Welcome to the WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Practice and Research.
The Center aims at supporting the World Health Organization (WHO) in promoting health at the global, regional and local levels, working in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The Nursing School of Coimbra was officially designated by WHO as Collaborating Center in July 2014. The only collaborating center for Nursing and Midwifery of the Iberian Peninsula and one of the four centers in Europe, it is a member of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery.
Here you can find information about the activities of our Center, the mission of Collaborating Centers, WHO policies and the Global Network of the Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development.
The Nursing School of Coimbra was designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in July 2014, for a period of four years, as Collaborating Center for Nursing Practice and Research...
The number of resolutions on nursing and midwifery approved by WHO World Health Assembly demonstrates the importance that the WHO Member States attach to nursing and midwifery services...
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres (WHOCCs) for Nursing and Midwifery Development is a is an independent, international, non-for-profit network comprising of WHO Collaborating Centres...
Here you can find some of the most relevant publications of the World Health Organization in the area of Nursing and Midwifery.
In line with the WHO policies which consider that research in the field of health is best advanced by assisting, coordinating and making use of the activities of existing institutions, the WHO Collaborating Centers were created to support it in its areas of expertise at the local, national and international levels.
Here you can access the websites of the remaining Collaborating Centers.